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Sheet music by Carl Herring

Having graduated from the Royal Academy of Music with First class honours and the Julian Bream Prize under his belt, Carl’s ’sparkling technique and amiable musicality that radiates warmth’ (Gramophone) have delighted audiences around the world as well as at home.

He has given solo recitals in prestigious venues such as Kings Place, London and has appeared with Northern Sinfonia as a concerto soloist. Recipient of the Worshipful Company of Musicians’ Ivor Mairants Award, his performances with musicians of every genre are evidence of his exceptional versatility.

Carl has four highly contrasting, critically acclaimed CDs to his name. In 2013 he was made an Honorary Associate of the Royal Academy of Music and is a member of the eminent guitar quartet TETRA. Carl’s arrangement for guitar quartet of Elgar’s Sevillana is the first of its kind, and opens their new CD, About Time.

In 2014, Carl appeared in BBC TV’s Young Musician of the Year competition, accompanying recorder player Sophie Westbrooke for her winning performances in the quarter- and semi-finals. This year has also seen him appear with flamenco virtuoso Eduardo Niebla at London’s Purcell Room and performing Rodrigo’s Concierto de Aranjuez with the Cleveland Chamber Orchestra.

M. Karadagli_: Play Guitar with Milo_ 2, Git (+OnlAu)


Miloš Karadaglić, Carl Herring

Play Guitar with Miloš 2

for: Classical guitar

Music lesson book, online audio

Item no.: 680117

21.10  €incl. VAT, plus shipping
Delivery time: 4–9 working days (fi)
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