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Sheet music by Chris Woods

Chris Woods is a guitarist, composer, performer, producer, and an educator. Touring across the globe appearing at festivals including Glastonbury Festival (UK) across to the likes of the Mikulášsky Jazz festival in Slovakia, with performances in art houses, theatres and even prestigious shows such as the NAMM show in LA. His mind bending guitar approach is exceptional, his multi faceted creative mind has spilled out into an array of different concepts including ‘The Chris Woods Groove Orchestra’.

He began his career in the guitar world; endorsed by the most acclaimed brands he honed his skills performing at prestigious guitar festivals across the globe. Approached by Hal Leonard to write a comprehensive guide on the percussive style, which quickly became the standard ‘how to play’ percussive guitar publication, Chris’ reputation became international and highly regarded. With a loyal following behind him Chris set about writing the debut album.

Determined to create an emotional work, that showed percussive guitar playing as a serious creative storytelling tool, Chris toured his new compositions relentlessly. Traveling to the US, Europe and what seemed like every corner of Britain and Ireland, refining the pieces to reach out to audiences as effectively as possible. After two years of touring, Chris went into the studio and recorded something very special indeed, the product of two years hard work; ‘Stories for Solo Guitar’…

C. Woods: Percussive Acoustic Guitar, Git (+DVD)
Chris Woods

Percussive Acoustic Guitar

for: Classical guitar

Music lesson book, DVD

Item no.: 621237

29.90  €incl. VAT, plus shipping
Delivery time: 2–3 weeks.
C. Woods: First 50 Fingerstyle Patterns , Git (+TAB+onlAudi)
Chris Woods

First 50 Fingerstyle Patterns You Should Play on Guitar

for: Acoustic guitar [classical guitar]

Study book (with tabs and chords – without standard notation), online Audio

Item no.: 1562020

19.60  €incl. VAT, plus shipping
Delivery time: 2–3 weeks.
C. Woods: Amazing Grace, Blechens (Part.)

Amazing Grace

for: Brass ensemble


Item no.: 1552041

15.50  €incl. VAT, plus shipping
Delivery time: 2–3 weeks (fi)
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