Christian Glowatzki, born in Potsdam, lives with his family in Franconia. He works as a composer, church musician and private music teacher and conducts choir leader and organ seminars.
He received his first organ lessons in 1980 in Potsdam, then in 1987 with KMD Prof. Friedrich Meinel. He passed the state examination to become a music teacher at the Würzburg Conservatory with Michael Schlüter (piano). Christian Glowatzki took composition lessons with Joachim F.W. Schneider (Würzburg). In the KMF Schlüchtern he passed the C-examination for church music (organ and choir conducting).
With his compositions "3-Gang" for piano solo, "Kaleidoskop" for violin solo, "spirit" for two percussionists and "sic bace" for trombone solo he found his way into the collections "Münchner Klavierbuch", "Augsburger Violinbuch", "Neue Töne - Musik für Percussion" and "Neue Töne - Musik für Posaune" in the context of composition competitions.
Among his compositions, "Quept - Sint", written for the Erlangen Baryton Trio, "Bogengänge" for organ and accordion, premiered in 2014 as part of the "Neuköllner Originaltöne-Festival", "Achtundsechzig", quintet for clarinet and string quartet, premiered at the Richard-Strauß-Festival 2014 in Würzburg, should be emphasized.
Otherwise he writes cantatas for solos, choir and orchestra for church use. Since about 2014 he has written a whole series of "Lieder im Volkston" in which he sets contemporary rhyme poems to music in the simple form of a folk song.
nach Liedern Martin Luthers
for: Organ
Music score
Item no.: 682790
for: Klarinette und Orgel
Score, solo part
Item no.: 614023
for: Violine und Orgel
Score, solo part
Item no.: 1199000
for: 2 soloists (TB), mixed choir (SATB), orchestra, organ
Score, Parts
Item no.: 1610748
für Alt-Solo, gem Chor, 2 Altblockflöten, Viola da Gamba I und II und Violoncello
Partitur und Stimmen
for: 4 soloists (SATB), mixed choir (SATB), orchestra, organ
Part St
Item no.: 1559463
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