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Sheet music by Joanna Tomlinson

Joanna Tomlinson is the Music Director of Constanza Chorus, Whitehall Choir and Farnham Youth Choir, a tutor for the Association of British Choral Directors and Associate Director East London Chorus.

Farnham Youth Choir is a multi-award-winning upper voice choir, which won two gold medals in the 2015 European Choir Games in Magdeburg.

Constanza Chorus is an auditioned SATB choir of over 130 singers who have recently performed both Brahms and Mozart Requiem with the London Mozart Players at the Cadogan Hall and sung mass at St Peter’s Basilica in Rome. Whitehall Choir perform regularly at venues including St John’s Smith Square and St James’ Picadilly.

J. Tomlinson: As you sing, Fch (Part)
Joanna Tomlinson

As you sing

for: Women's choir a cappella


Item no.: 682782

19.90  €incl. VAT, plus shipping
Delivery time: 3–5 weeks
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