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Sheet music by Marc Seiffge

Marc Seiffge, born in Karlsruhe, Germany, began his musical studies at the State Hochschule für Musik in Karlsruhe with Prof. Mario Sicca. During this time he was concertizing as a soloist as well as a chamber musician and song accompanist, for example at the Opera House in Stuttgart. After studying musicology at the University of Karlsruhe he continued his education at the Musikhochschule in Köln and there he successfully completed his examinations under Eliot Fisk in 1985.

From there on Marc Seiffge took part in various mastercourses with Manuel Barrueco, Andrés Segovia, John Williams and members of the Amadeus Quartett.

Marc Seiffge has become known through concert, radio and recordings with the guitarist Boris Björn Bagger, the Albeniz Guitar Duo, the soprano Eva Csapo, the Estonian Chamber Orchestra directed by Jüri Gerretz and the Stamitz String Quartet from Prague.

In his solo work the guitarist has developed much interest in performing famous original works next to transcriptions of great literature.

Marc Seiffge has released four CDs at Bayer Records, Germany, some more will be released soon.

As a producer he is also well known in the classical domaine, recording all over the world, as well as CCTV in Peking, China.

In the State Musikhochschule Karlsruhe today he is the head of the Recording studio Schloss Gottesaue, in which he helped develop.

L. Boccherini: Fandango, 2Git (Pa+St)
Luigi Boccherini


für zwei Gitarren

for: 2 guitars

Score, Parts

Item no.: 563932

18.10  €incl. VAT, plus shipping
Delivery time: 2–3 weeks (fi)
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