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Sheet music by Pete Madsen

Pete Madsen is an acoustic blues, ragtime and slide guitarist from the San Francisco Bay Area who blends Kottke-esque virtuosity with thoughtful writing skills to produce wonderful guitar excursions. He has shared the stage with Kelly Joe Phelps, Alex DeGrassi, Peppino D’Agostino and many other incredible acoustic musicians. He performs mainly in the Bay Area and has played at the Freight & Salvage, Jupiter, Pt. Reyes Station House, and has taught and performed at the Healdsburg Guitar Festival. His performances include songs from the greats—Robert Johnson, Big Bill Broonzy, Blind Blake, John Fahey—as well as many original songs inspired by traditional blues and modern fingerstyle guitar.

P. Madsen: Play the Blues like..., Git (+OnlAu)
Pete Madsen

Play the Blues like...

for: Guitar

Music lesson book, online audio

Item no.: 680086

25.70  €incl. VAT, plus shipping
Delivery time: 2–3 weeks.
P. Madsen: The CAGED System, Git (+Tab)

Track 2

Pete Madsen

The CAGED System

A clear-cut guide to learning the entire guitar fretboard

for: Guitar

Lesson book (with standard notation and tabs), online audio

Item no.: 559320

25.70  €incl. VAT, plus shipping
Delivery time: 4–9 working days (fi)
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