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Sheet music by Tillman Weyde

Tillman Weyde is a Senior Lecturer at the Department of Computing. Before that he was a researcher and coordinator of the MUSITECH project at the Research Department of Music and Media Technology at the University of Osnabrück. He holds degrees in Computer Science, Music, and Mathematics and obtained his PhD in Systematic Musicology on the topic of automatic analysis of rhythms based on knowledge and machine learning. He is an associated member of the Institute of Cognitive Science and the Research Department of Music and Media Technology of the University of Osnabrück and has given invited talks among others at the IRCAM, Paris, Technical University of Berlin and the University of Karlsruhe. He is co-author of the educational software "Computer Courses in Music Ear Training" Published by Schott Music, which received the Comenius Medal for Exemplary Educational Media in 2000 and co-editor of the Osnabrück Series on Music and Computation. Tillman was a consultant to the NEUMES project at Harvard University and he is a member of the MPEG Ad-Hoc-Group on Symbolic Music Representation (SMR), working on the integration of SMR into MPEG-4. He was the principal investigator at City in the music e-learning project i-Maestro which was supported by the European Commission. He currently works on Semantic Web representations for music, methods for automatic music analysis, audio-based similarity and recommendation and general applications of audio processing and machine learning in industry and science.

AQ: B. Enders: Computer Courses in Music - (CD-ROM) (B-Ware)
with slight signs of use
Bernd Enders, Tillman Weyde

Computer Courses in Music – Ear Training

The interactive learning program for beginners and advanced users
For system requirements see below!


Item no.: 1665435

61.20  € –55 %
27.60  €incl. VAT, plus shipping
Instant dispatch. Delivery time: 3–8 working days (fi)
B. Enders: Computer Courses in Music - Ear Training (CD-ROM)
Bernd Enders, Tillman Weyde

Computer Courses in Music – Ear Training

The interactive learning program for beginners and advanced users
For system requirements see below!


Item no.: 215154

61.20  €incl. VAT, plus shipping
Delivery time: 2–3 weeks.
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