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Sheet music by Tom Coult

Tom Coult is a composer born in London. His work has been championed by many of the UK’s major orchestras and ensembles, resulting in a series of large-scale pieces including Beautiful Caged Thing for soprano Claire Booth and the Mahler Chamber Orchestra, Sonnet Machine for the BBC Philharmonic Orchestra, and Spirit of the Staircase for the London Sinfonietta. In July his St John’s Dance opened the First Night of the BBC Proms, performed by Edward Gardner and the BBC Symphony Orchestra.

T. Coult: Etudes 1-4, Viol
Tom Coult

Études 1-4

for Solo Violin

for: Violin

Music score

Item no.: 681547

22.20  €incl. VAT, plus shipping
Delivery time: 3–5 weeks
DL: T. Coult: Études, Viol
Download item
Tom Coult


for: Violin

Instrumental Solo

Item no.: 1051831

13.60  €incl. VAT
Download product – instantly available.
T. Coult: Piano Trio - The Chronophage, VlVcKlv
Tom Coult

Piano Trio – The Chronophage

Piano Score and Parts

for: Violin, cello, piano (piano trio)

Piano score, parts

Item no.: 685261

41.20  €incl. VAT, plus shipping
Delivery time: 3–5 weeks
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