Árpád Balázs (b. 1937)


for cimbalom or marimba and concert band
EMB Concert Band Series

Á. Balázs: Rhapsody, MarBlaso (Part) (0)Á. Balázs: Rhapsody, MarBlaso (Part) (1)Á. Balázs: Rhapsody, MarBlaso (Part) (2)Á. Balázs: Rhapsody, MarBlaso (Part) (3)Á. Balázs: Rhapsody, MarBlaso (Part) (4)
Marimba, concert band
Product type:
Item no.:
Author / Composer:
36 pages; 23 × 30.2 cm
11 minutes
Release year:
Publisher / Producer:
Producer No.:


Árpád Balázs (*1937) composed the first version of Rhapsody for Hungarian cimbalom and concert band in 2001; in 2021, on the encouragement by a Japanese marimba player he arranged the solo part for marimba, and therefore the opportunities for the work to be played have significantly widened. The Rhapsody follows the one-movement structure created by Franz Liszt.

The beginning solo section of the cimbalom (or marimba) returns before the coda as a pillar of the form. The composition, which can be divided into five sections, develops and works with a Lydian tetrachordal motif (G-A-B-C sharp) in different characters, stretching the span of music from a simple, children's song-like appearance to an obstinate ritual dance.

In conclusion, the Rhapsody is a passionately emotional lyric orchestral poem rich in colours and characters, which has a place on the repertoire of every concert band playing quality music.

22.70  €
incl. VAT, plus shipping
Delivery time: 2–3 weeks.
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Á. Balázs: Rhapsody, MarBlaso (Pa+St)
Árpád Balázs


for cimbalom or marimba and concert band
EMB Concert Band Series

for: Marimba, concert band

Score, Parts

Item no.: 1559407

113.10  €incl. VAT, plus shipping
Delivery time: 2–3 weeks.
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