Father and child playing piano together

Music for Children

Music for Children – From Nursery Rhymes to Favourite Series

Make music with your children! Music is fun, promotes your child's development, and enriches their life. Here you have the notes at a glance: Catchy children's songs, varied movement songs, popular music from films and TV series, right through to music from trending video games.

Recommendations for Children's Scores and Books

Children's Books

Who was Johann Sebastian Bach? How does an organ work? And what exactly is an opera? Children's books, lovingly explained and child-friendly illustrated, give your children insight into the world of music, show them how instruments are built, and guide them through popular classical pieces.

The Magic Flute

The Magic Flute

The Big Book of Pipe Organs

The Big Book of Pipe Organs

The Amazing Incredible Shrinking Clarinet

The Amazing Incredible Shrinking Clarinet

The Amazing Incredible Shrinking Saxophone

The Amazing Incredible Shrinking Saxophone

Billy Briggs, Big on Skates

Billy Briggs, Big on Skates

A story to introduve The Moldau from Ma Vlast

The Crazy Alien Ball

The Crazy Alien Ball

Introducing classical music through stories

Instrument Schools for Children

Learning instruments made easy: The pedagogically sound, well-structured instrument schools are specifically designed for children and motivate them to joyfully learn the instrument. Here you will find our most popular schools!

F. Emonts: The European Piano Method 1

The European Piano Method 1 by Fritz Emonts

First Class Guitar

First Class Guitar by Tatiana Stachak

Fun and Games with the Recorder

Fun and Games with the Recorder by Peter Bowman.

Trumpet Fox

Trumpet Fox 1 by Stefan Dünser

Suzuki Violin School 1

Suzuki Violin School 1 by Shin'ichi Suzuki

School of Bowing Technique for Cello Opus 2 Part 1

School of Bowing Technique for Cello Opus 2 Part 1 by Otakar Ševčík

Verband deutscher MusikschulenBundesverband der Freien MusikschulenJeunesses Musicales DeutschlandFrankfurter Tonkünstler-BundBundes­verb­and deutscher Lieb­haber-OrchesterStützpunkt­händ­ler der Wiener Urtext Edition

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