Accordion playing

Play & learn Accordion

Here you will find a wide selection of the most popular instructional books, expert contributions, and of course recommendations from our extensive range of accordion sheet music and accordion schools, whether chromatic, button or piano accordion, diatonic, standard bass or bassetti:

New Releases and Recommendations for Accordion

Most Popular Accordion Schools

Modern Accordion Technique

Modern Accordion Technique 1

A methodical course for the piano accordion

Michlbauer Method 1

Michlbauer Method

Textbook for 3- and 4-row diatonic accordion in tablature notation (tuned B-Es-As and G-C-F)

Harmonika Express 1

Harmonika Express

School for Styrian harmonica in standard notation

suitable for children from 6 years of age

Instruction Manual for Diatonic Accordions

Instruction Manual for Diatonic Accordions

From Viennese, one-, two-, and three-row to club model

Compact Button Accordion 1

Compact Button Accordion

School for modern and contemporary instruction

Bandoneon – The First Steps

Bandoneon – The First Steps

Tips & Information for Accordion Players

Learning to Play the Accordion – 20 Questions for Nadine Soppa

Learning to Play the Accordion – 20 Questions for Nadine Soppa

“The accordion is a very physical instrument, so a good awareness of your body gives you a clear advantage. You have to play with your whole body and "breathe" with the instrument.” Accordion player Nadine Soppa anwsers our musical questionaire in order to make deciding which instrument you would like to play a bit easier.

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International Accordion Competition Klingenthal – 60 Years of Accordion History

International Accordion Competition Klingenthal – 60 Years of Accordion History

The International Accordion Competition in Klingenthal is one of the most prestigious accordion competitions and takes place annually in the small town in the Vogtland region near the Czech border. Since 1963, the competition has been a reference point for accordionists around the world.

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What is a Diatonic Accordion?

What is a Diatonic Accordion?

Diatonic accordions are an integral part of the traditional music of many countries. Whether it's the alpine "Steirische Harmonika", the Italian diatonic accordion, or the Basque Trikitixa, they all differ in their playable keys and mechanics. Accordionist Irene Urrutia Martín guides us through the various terms.

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Popular Accordion Sheet Music

Among the most popular accordion sheet music are scores of 70s pop hits, Latin music scores for accordion and concertina. Musette waltzes and hits like "Wellerman."
Bal Musette Bal Musette
The Bandoneon in Tango The Bandoneon in Tango
Tango Delight Tango Delight
Cult Hits of the 70s Cult hits from the 70s
Latin and Spanish Hits Latin American and Spanish Hits
Wellerman Wellerman
Verband deutscher MusikschulenBundesverband der Freien MusikschulenJeunesses Musicales DeutschlandFrankfurter Tonkünstler-BundBundes­verb­and deutscher Lieb­haber-OrchesterStützpunkt­händ­ler der Wiener Urtext Edition

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