Playing Cello

Playing & Learning the Cello

Discover many tips and recommendations here to learn, practice, and develop on the cello. You will find a selection of the most popular schools, expert tips, and of course, recommendations from our extensive range of sheet music for cello and cello method books:

Cello Sheet Music – New Releases & Recommendations

The Most Popular Cello Schools

The best-selling cello tuition books in our shop are by Gabriel Koeppen, who continues to impress with his many different method books. Especially suitable for children, we offer the classic "Early Start on the Cello" by Egon Saßmannshaus. Jakob Sakom offers you a good introduction to playing etudes with his cello etude school.

Thumb Position

Thumb Position by Gabriel Koeppen

Early Start on the Cello

Early Start on the Cello 1 by Egon & Kurt Sassmannshaus

School of Violoncello Etudes

School of Violoncello Etudes by Jakob Sakom

Expert Tips & Useful Information for Cello

Learning to play the Cello - 20 Questions for Liana Pereira

Learning to play the Cello - 20 Questions for Liana Pereira

"I am particularly moved by the Cello Concerto by Edward Elgar." Cellist Liana Pereira has completed our musical questionnaire to aid you in selecting a new instrument.

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Michele Galvagno – Artistic Score Engraving

Michele Galvagno – Artistic Score Engraving

Cellist Michele Galvagno became a music engraver in order to provide other musicians with the best possible editions of sheet music. Find out in our interview how he is committed to the composers Friedrich Dotzauer and Alfredo Piatti, how time-consuming the work process from manuscript to finished edition is and how scores have changed over the course of history.

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Amarilis Dueñas x Stretta Music

Amarilis Dueñas x Stretta Music

Amarilis Dueñas x Stretta MusicAmarilis Dueñas is one of today's most important figures in the field of historical performance practice. On the cello and viola da gamba, she gives concerts throughout Europe as a soloist, and with chamber music ensembles and orchestras such as the Akademie für Alte Musik Berlin, Concerto Köln and the B'Rock Orchestra. Amarilis Dueñas has won various prizes at competitions such as the Juventudes Musicales, the Premio Internacional Pau Casals and most recently...

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