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Flute, clarinet, violin, cello (quartet)

A. Corghi:
Azio Corghi



for: Flute, clarinet, violin, cello (quartet)

Score, Parts

Item no.: 774713

54.00  €incl. VAT, plus shipping
Delivery time: 2–3 weeks.
Th. Loevendie: Victoria Regina, FlKlarVlVc (Pa+St)
Theo Loevendie, Loevendie Theo

Victoria Regina

for: Flute, clarinet, violin, cello (quartet)

Score, Set of parts

Item no.: 154494

24.20  €incl. VAT, plus shipping
Instant dispatch. Delivery time: 3–8 working days (fi)
J.F. de Guise: Quartett für Bläser und S, FlKlarVlVc (Pa+St)
Jean François de Guise

Composition for four instruments op. 13 no.17

for: Flute, clarinet, violin, cello (quartet)

Score, Parts

Item no.: 817542

24.70  €incl. VAT, plus shipping
Instant dispatch. Delivery time: 3–8 working days (fi)
L. Poe: A Walk in the woods, FlKlarVlVc (Pa+St)
Lara Poe

A Walk in the woods

Selection 21

for: Flute, clarinet, violin, cello (quartet)

Score, Parts

Item no.: 659646

16.40  €incl. VAT, plus shipping
Delivery time: 2–3 weeks (fi)
Placeholder image
Antonio Amoroso

La Chitarra

for: Flute, clarinet, violin, cello (quartet)

Item no.: 168775

44.20  €incl. VAT, plus shipping
Delivery time: 2–3 weeks (fi)
Placeholder image
Antonio Amoroso


for: Flute, clarinet, violin, cello (quartet)

Item no.: 177145

44.20  €incl. VAT, plus shipping
Delivery time: 2–3 weeks (fi)
Placeholder image
Jacques Wildberger, Wildberger Jacques


for: Flute, clarinet, violin, cello (quartet)


Item no.: 346587

15.50  €incl. VAT, plus shipping
Delivery time: 2–3 weeks (fi)
Placeholder image
Milton Babbitt

Head Of The Bed

for: Flute, clarinet, violin, cello (quartet)

Item no.: 381639

56.60  €incl. VAT, plus shipping
Delivery time: 2–3 weeks.
Placeholder image
Gyu Bong Yi

Quartett (1983/84)

for: Flute, clarinet, violin, cello (quartet)


Item no.: 194049

32.40  €incl. VAT, plus shipping
Delivery time: 2–3 weeks (fi)
Placeholder image
Jacques Wildberger


for: Flute, clarinet, violin, cello (quartet)


Item no.: 639083

17.00  €incl. VAT, plus shipping
Delivery time: 4–9 working days (fi)
Placeholder image
Luís de Pablo Costales


for: Flute, clarinet, violin, cello (quartet)

Set of parts

Item no.: 1105933

37.60  €incl. VAT, plus shipping
Delivery time: 2–3 weeks.
Placeholder image

Invito all'unione

for: Flute, clarinet, violin, cello (quartet)

Set of parts

Item no.: 1650037

28.80  €incl. VAT, plus shipping
Delivery time: 2–3 weeks.
Placeholder image
Wladimir Vogel, Vogel Wladimir

Inspire par jean arp.

Musik für Flöte, Klarinette, Violine und Violoncello

for: Flute, clarinet, violin, cello (quartet)


Item no.: 419802

19.50  €incl. VAT, plus shipping
Delivery time: 2–3 weeks (fi)
Verband deutscher MusikschulenBundesverband der Freien MusikschulenJeunesses Musicales DeutschlandFrankfurter Tonkünstler-BundBundes­verb­and deutscher Lieb­haber-OrchesterStützpunkt­händ­ler der Wiener Urtext Edition

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