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Three trumpets and two trombones (quintet)

DL: G.F. Händel: Music For The Royal Fir, 3Trp2PosPk (Pa+St)
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George Frideric Handel

Music For The Royal Fireworks


for: 3 trumpets (C/B-flat), 2 trombones, timpani [brass ensemble]

Score, parts (pdf download)

Item no.: 1387

6.20  €incl. VAT
Download product – instantly available.
H. Purcell: Sonata B-Dur, 3Trp2Pos (Part)
Henry Purcell

Sonata B-Dur

zu 5 Stimmen
Bläsermusikmusiken 7

for: 3 trumpets, 2 trombones


Item no.: 119868

9.30  €incl. VAT, plus shipping
Delivery time: 2–3 weeks (fi)
DL: A. Orologio: Intrada I, 3Trp2Pos (Pa+St)
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Alessandro Orologio

Intrada I

aus: Intradae [...] quarum in omni genere instrumentorum
musicorum usus esse potest, Liber primus, Helmstedt 1597
eingerichtet für Blechbläserquintett

for: 3 trumpets, 2 trombones

Score, parts (pdf download)

Item no.: 6147

5.20  €incl. VAT
Download product – instantly available.
A. Loritz: Intrada
Albert Loritz

Intrada "An hellen Tagen"

for: 3 trumpets (B-flat), 2 trombones, timpani

Score, Parts

Item no.: 1584864

30.70  €incl. VAT, plus shipping
Instant dispatch. Delivery time: 3–8 working days (fi)
DL: A. Orologio: Intrada II, 3Trp2Pos (Pa+St)
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Alessandro Orologio

Intrada II

aus: Intradae [...] quarum in omni genere instrumentorum
musicorum usus esse potest, Liber primus, Helmstedt 1597
eingerichtet für Blechbläserquintett

for: 3 trumpets, 2 trombones

Score, parts (pdf download)

Item no.: 6333

5.20  €incl. VAT
Download product – instantly available.
F. Radermacher: Fanfare, 3Trp2Pos (Pa+St)
Friedrich Radermacher


zum 25. Geburtstags des Museums- und Heimatvereins Hilden e.V.

for: 3 trumpets, 2 trombones

Score, Parts

Item no.: 577904

12.40  €incl. VAT, plus shipping
Delivery time: 2–3 weeks (fi)
Placeholder image
Widmar Hader


for: 3 trumpets [2 trumpets, horn], 2 trombones


Item no.: 474364

29.90  €incl. VAT, plus shipping
Delivery time: 2–3 weeks (fi)
Placeholder image
Karl Maria Kubizek


for: 3 trumpets (B-flat), 2 trombones, timpani

Score, Parts

Item no.: 133816

15.50  €incl. VAT, plus shipping
Delivery time: 2–3 weeks (fi)
H. Purcell: Sonata B-Dur, 3Trp2Pos (Tr1)
Henry Purcell

Sonata B-Dur

zu 5 Stimmen
Bläsermusiken 7

for: 3 trumpets, 2 trombones

Single part Trumpet 1

Item no.: 456987

2.10  €incl. VAT, plus shipping
Delivery time: 2–3 weeks (fi)
H. Purcell: Sonata B-Dur, 3Trp2Pos (Tr2)
Henry Purcell

Sonata B-Dur

zu 5 Stimmen
Bläsermusiken 7

for: 3 trumpets, 2 trombones

Single part Trumpet 2

Item no.: 456988

2.10  €incl. VAT, plus shipping
Delivery time: 2–3 weeks (fi)
Placeholder image
Widmar Hader


for: 3 trumpets [2 trumpets, horn], 2 trombones

Set of parts

Item no.: 474365

49.40  €incl. VAT, plus shipping
Delivery time: 2–3 weeks (fi)
H. Purcell: Sonata B-Dur, 3Trp2Pos (Trp3)
Henry Purcell

Sonata B-Dur

zu 5 Stimmen
Bläsermusiken 7

for: 3 trumpets, 2 trombones

Single part Trumpet 3

Item no.: 456989

2.10  €incl. VAT, plus shipping
Delivery time: 2–3 weeks (fi)
H. Purcell: Sonata B-Dur, 3Trp2Pos (Pos2)
Henry Purcell

Sonata B-Dur

Purcell (1659–1695)
Sonata B-Dur

for: 3 trumpets, 2 trombones

Single part Trombone 2

Item no.: 456991

2.10  €incl. VAT, plus shipping
Delivery time: 2–3 weeks (fi)
Placeholder image
Henry Purcell

Sonata B-Dur

zu 5 Stimmen
Bläsermusiken 7

for: 3 trumpets, 2 trombones

Single part Trombone 1

Item no.: 456990

2.10  €incl. VAT, plus shipping
Delivery time: 2–3 weeks (fi)
H. Huchzermeyer: Weihnachtsmusik über den, 3Trp2-3Pos (Part)
Helmut Huchzermeyer

Weihnachtsmusik über den "Quempas" / Bläserchoral "Es kommt ein Schiff"


for: 3 trumpets, 2-3 trombones


Item no.: 344070

8.80  €incl. VAT, plus shipping
Instant dispatch. Delivery time: 3–8 working days (fi)
(Traditional): 32 Weihnachtsmelodien, 3Trp2Pos (Stsatz)

32 Christmas Carols

Christmas Joy

for: 3 trumpets, 2 trombones

Set of parts

Item no.: 600158

28.20  €incl. VAT, plus shipping
Delivery time: 2–3 weeks.
Placeholder image
Helmut Huchzermeyer

Weihnachtsmusik über den "Quempas" / Bläserchoral "Es kommt ein Schiff"


for: 3 trumpets, 2-3 trombones

Set of parts

Item no.: 1684579

8.80  €incl. VAT, plus shipping
Instant dispatch. Delivery time: 3–8 working days (fi)
Verband deutscher MusikschulenBundesverband der Freien MusikschulenJeunesses Musicales DeutschlandFrankfurter Tonkünstler-BundBundes­verb­and deutscher Lieb­haber-OrchesterStützpunkt­händ­ler der Wiener Urtext Edition

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