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Sheet music by Alden H. Snell

Before his Eastman School of Music appointment, Alden Snell, II was Assistant Professor of Instrumental Music Education at the University of Delaware. He earned a Bachelor of Science degree in music education from Roberts Wesleyan College in Rochester, New York, where he graduated summa cum laude and was awarded the President’s Award for Outstanding Achievement. He then earned Master of Arts and Doctor of Philosophy degrees in music education from Eastman, where he was awarded the prestigious Donald J. Shetler Prize, given to an outstanding doctoral student in music education.

Dr. Snell taught instrumental music to students in all grade levels in the Hilton (NY) and Kendall (NY) Central School Districts, including service as K-12 Director of Music in Kendall. While teaching in public schools, he earned early childhood and instrumental music certifications from the Gordon Institute for Music Learning (GIML).

Dr. Snell’s research interests include teacher musicianship, generative creativity, and music teacher professional development. He is co-editor of Engaging Musical Practices: A Sourcebook for Instrumental Music, and is lead or co-author of research studies published or recently accepted for publication in the Bulletin of the Council of Research in Music Education, Journal of Music Teacher Education, and Research Studies in Music Education. Dr. Snell maintains an active schedule presenting at local, state, national, and international conference venues, including the Ninth International Research in Music Education Conference in Exeter, England.

Dr. Snell’s research interests include teacher musicianship, creativity, and music teacher professional development. He has presented research and professional development sessions at a variety of state, national, and international conferences. In his doctoral dissertation research, Dr. Snell explored instrumental music teachers’ perceptions and definitions of creativity in instrumental music education.

S.L. Burton: Ready, Set, Improvise!, Instr/Gs (Bu)
Suzanne L. Burton, Alden H. Snell

Ready, Set, Improvise!

for: Instrument [voice]

Book (softcover)

Item no.: 681777

28.00  €incl. VAT, plus shipping
Delivery time: 2–3 weeks.
AQ: S.L. Burton: Ready, Set, Improvise! (BuHc) (B-Ware)
with slight signs of use
Suzanne L. Burton, Alden H. Snell

Ready, Set, Improvise!

Book (Hardcover)

Item no.: 1664660

130.20  € –55 %
58.60  €incl. VAT, plus shipping
In stock. Delivery time: 3–8 working days (fi)
S.L. Burton: Ready, Set, Improvise! (BuHc)
Suzanne L. Burton, Alden H. Snell

Ready, Set, Improvise!

Book (Hardcover)

Item no.: 681907

140.30  €incl. VAT, plus shipping
Delivery time: 3–5 weeks
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