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Sheet music by Kris Johnson

Kris Johnson is an award-winning jazz trumpeter, composer, and educator. He has appeared on an impressive list of albums including two Grammy-nominated releases: Tony Bennett’s “A Swingin’ Christmas” and Karen Clark Sheard’s “All In One”. Kris is a trumpeter and arranger with the Count Basie Orchestra. In 2013 he was featured in the standup-comedy film “Make Me Wanna Holla” starring Sinbad.

Currently, Kris Johnson is the Director of Jazz Studies at the University of Utah. Kris received his master’s (2007) and bachelor’s (2005) degrees in Jazz Studies from Michigan State University. In 2012, Kris received an ASCAP Herb Alpert Young Jazz Composers award and was selected as one of 25 Detroit performing and literary artists to receive a Kresge Artist Fellowship.

S. Wallace: How to improvise over Chord Change, Instr (Lhrb)
Shawn Wallace, Keith Newton, Kris Johnson et al.

How to improvise over Chord Changes

For all Instruments

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Music lesson book

Item no.: 680551

32.40  €incl. VAT, plus shipping
Instant dispatch. Delivery time: 3–8 working days (fi)
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