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Sheet music by Mike Menafee

Mike is a teacher in Silverdale. He directs the Kitsap Chordsmen, as well as a ladies’ chorus, The Grand Olympics in Sequim, Washington. You might even hear him playing the flugelhorn with the dance band "Savoy Nights."

Mike has been directing the Kitsap Chordsmen Since 1996. He is an educator, and has been a member of the Barbershop Harmony Society (SPEBSQSA) since 1979. Most of the music the chorus sings has been arranged or touched in some way by Mike. In his spare time he coaches, writes, and arranges music for a wide variety of people.

His devotion to musical excellence, as well as hard work, have been the “guiding light” for the chorus. He invites men of like mind to join in song on Wednesday evenings at 7:00pm at Olympic Evangelical Free Church in Poulsbo (near Keyport).

The Kitsap Chordsmen are proud to have Mike as their director.

Magic in Harmony, Gch4 (Sb)


Magic in Harmony

for: Mixed choir (4 voices) a cappella


Item no.: 681796

35.00  €incl. VAT, plus shipping
Delivery time: 2–3 weeks.
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