
New Sheet Music from Netflix, TV, Games & Film Music 2024

New Releases 2024: July | August | September | October | November | December | Film Music | Pop Music

New Sheet Music from Netflix, TV, Games & Film Music 2024

Discover the latest sheet music for popular games, Netflix or Disney series, anime, and films from the cinema!

Final Fantasy – Piano Sheet Music

Finally available as sheet music: Piano arrangements of the music from the legendary Japanese role-playing series Final Fantasy, primarily shaped by Nobuo Uematsu. On one hand, we have a compilation of themes from the SNES era, arranged by Hiroyuki Nakayama, covering parts IV to VI, including the ballad “Theme of Love,” which even made it into Japanese school textbooks, and the epic “Dancing Mad” with its blend of classical and prog rock. On the other hand, there are 15 pieces from the PlayStation 2 instalment Final Fantasy X, transformed into standalone character pieces by Masashi Hamauzu. The fan favourite “To Zanarkand” is, of course, included! Lastly, “Aerith's Theme” from the most popular 7th instalment is available as a download.

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Piano Opera: Final Fantasy IV/V/VI

Piano Opera: Final Fantasy IV/V/VI


Piano Collections: Final Fantasy X

Piano Collections: Final Fantasy X


Aerith's Theme (from 'Final Fantasy VII')

Aerith's Theme ("Final Fantasy VII")

Piano ( Download item)

Barbie – Wind Music Sheet Music from the Film

The most successful film of 2023 has inspired the creation of wind music arrangements. Recently, three arrangements for wind orchestra have been produced: Paul Murtha has taken on the 90s hit “Barbie Girl” by Aqua, Michael Story the “Dance In The Night” performed by Dua Lipa. Michael Brown’s “Barbie's World” combines these two pieces in a medley with “Barbie Dreams” by Fifty Fifty and “What Was I Made For?” by Billie Eilish.

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Barbie's World

Barbie's World

Wind Orchestra

Dance The Night – Sheet Music for Youth Wind Orchestra

Dance The Night

Youth Wind Orchestra

Barbie Girl – Sheet Music for Wind Orchestra

Barbie Girl

Wind Orchestra

Stretta Picks

Fancy something animated? Find the best Pixar songs arranged for piano here. Japanese anime music is equally popular: In two parts, you can discover the most popular anime songs for piano.

Also from Japan is Studio Ghibli. The music from these animated films is not only a dream for every piano student, but in the Stretta sheet music shop, you will also find Studio Ghibli Sheet Music for many other instruments.

Pixar for Piano Sheet Music Pixar for Piano
Animenz: Popular Anime Songs for Piano 1 Sheet Music Animenz – Popular Anime Songs 1
Animenz: Popular Anime Songs for Piano 2 Sheet Music Animenz – Popular Anime Songs 2
Studio Ghibli Recital Repertoire 1 – Elementary Sheet Music Studio Ghibli for Piano – Beginners
Studio Ghibli Recital Repertoire 1 – Intermediate Sheet Music Studio Ghibli for Piano – Advanced
Studio Ghibli for Cello & Piano Sheet Music Studio Ghibli for Cello & Piano

Film Music Themed Pages in Campus

New Releases 2024: July | August | September | October | November | December | Film Music | Pop Music

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