Ever since the Reformation brought the reading of scripture and preaching to the forefront of the liturgy, the term ’Historia’ or ’history’ denoted a biblical narrative and was used synonymously with ’salvation history’. Thus at first the Passion and the events of Easter were in the foreground, but soon nativity plays became popular. Occasionally, other vivid acts such as the Ascension or the sending of the Holy Spirit were also set to music.
If the biblical text was initially reproduced unchanged, song verses or other texts were soon inserted, which made it difficult to distinguish it from the oratorio. Instruments were also included, and recorders and shawms lent the pastoral scenes a rustic colouring. Probably theatrical aspects also played a role: Schütz’ Christmas story has been performed under a canopy with Mary, Joseph and the manger.
In the 20th century the genre experienced a revival under the name of ’history’ or - incorrectly, actually - ’oratorio’, to which numerous modern works bear witness.
In Dulci Jubilo – Musik zur Weihnachtszeit
for: Mixed choir (SSATTB) [6 voices], 2 violins, basso continuo; instruments colla parte ad lib.
Item no.: 603998
Lieder, Spiele, Rätsel, Bilder zum Ausmalen, musikalischer Adventskalender und vieles mehr!
for: Piano
Music score
Item no.: 565514
Historia der freuden- und gnadenreichen Geburt Gottes und Marien Sohnes Jesu Christi
for: Soli, Chor SSATTB, Violinen (2), Gamben (2), Blockflöten (2), Trompeten (2) (2 Ctto), Posaunen (2), Basso continuo
Piano reduction
Item no.: 241834
Neuinstrumentierung (2001)
for: Mixed choir (SATB), instruments
Item no.: 607101
Neuinstrumentierung (2001)
for: Mixed choir (SATB), instruments
Ensemble score Violin 1,2
Item no.: 690347
Edition Schultheiss
for: Solo voice, mixed choir (SATB), organ; strings ad lib.
Item no.: 281497
Eine Kantate für junge Leute nach der Weihnachtsgeschichte von Charles Dickens
for: Children's choir
ChorSolo part(s)
Item no.: 1666827
Historia der freuden- und gnadenreichen Geburt Gottes und Marien Sohnes Jesu Christi
Item no.: 336245
Part 1 of the oratorio fragment "Christus" op. 97 MWV A 26
Urtext Stuttgarter Mendelssohn-Ausgaben
– Graduated prizes on request –
for: Soloist (tenor), mixed choir (SATTBB), orchestra
Choir score (Urtext edition)
Item no.: 205755
nach Worten der Bibel und des Gesangbuches (Letztfassung 1963)
mit den Turmgesängen
for: Soloists, mixed choir (SATB), orchestra, organ
Study score
Item no.: 167469
The Christmas Story with songs, spirituals and words based on St. Luke's Gospel. SAA - Basic edition for treble choir, soli and narrator
for: Soloist (alto), women's choir (SAA), narrator; guitar/keyboard ad lib.
Choir score
Item no.: 216116
A compelling retelling of the Christmas story
with Flute part
for: 3 soloists (MezTB), mixed choir (SATB), flute, organ
Organ reduction, Solo part
Item no.: 692649
for: Mixed choir (SATB), piano, guitar, percussion
Item no.: 673500
This sparkling Christmas Musical brings Botticelli's magnificent painting to life once again
It will be enjoyed by children of all ages for many Christmases to come. Teacher's Book/CD
for: Soloists, children's choir, instruments
Songbook, Playback-CD
Item no.: 350962
Part 1 of the oratorio fragment "Christus" op. 97 MWV A 26
Urtext Stuttgarter Mendelssohn-Ausgaben
for: Soloist (tenor), mixed choir (SATTBB), orchestra
Item no.: 205754
Eine Kantate für junge Leute nach der Weihnachtsgeschichte von Charles Dickens
for: Children's choir
ChorSolo part(s)
Item no.: 141647
for: 2 voices (SS) [female choir (SS)/mixed choir (SSB)], 2 violins, basso continuo
Item no.: 279273
nach Worten der Bibel und des Gesangbuches (Letztfassung 1963)
mit den Turmgesängen
for: Soloists, mixed choir (SATB), orchestra, organ
Choir score
Item no.: 424855
Oratorio fragment
Part I: The Birth of Christ; Part II: The Passion of Christ
Urtext Stuttgarter Mendelssohn-Ausgaben
for: Soloist (tenor), mixed choir (SATTBB), orchestra
Score (Urtext edition)
Item no.: 205752
Folk Drama of the Nativity based on the rhythms and traditions of Hispanic America
for soloists, chorus, percussion, guitar and harps
for: Soloists, mixed choir (SATB), instruments
Item no.: 461785
Die Weihnachtsgeschichte mit Songs, Spirituals und Sprechtexten nach dem Lukas-Evangelium
for: Soloist (medium), mixed choir (SATB), narrator; guitar, keyboard ad lib.
Choir score
Item no.: 172042
Oratorio fragment
Part I: The Birth of Christ; Part II: The Passion of Christ
Urtext Stuttgarter Mendelssohn-Ausgaben
for: Soloist (tenor), mixed choir (SATTBB), orchestra
Study score (Urtext edition)
Item no.: 578511
nach Worten der Bibel und des Gesangbuches (Letztfassung 1963)
mit den Turmgesängen
for: Soloists, mixed choir, orchestra, organ
Piano reduction
Item no.: 364438
for: Kinderchor (SMezA) mit Soli, Sprecher und Instrumenten
Item no.: 736844
Ein deutsches Weihnachtsliederspiel nach oberbayerischen und tiroler Weisen
Edition Schott
op. 85
for: gemischter Chor (SATB) (Frauenchor, Kinderchor) mit Soli (SSATBarB) und kleines Orchester
Piano reduction
Item no.: 748087
Christmas concerto
for: Soli, gemischter Chor, Streicher und Basso continuo
Streicherstimmensatz Violine I,II, Viola, Violoncello, Basso continuo (Violoncello)
Item no.: 723397
for: Flöten (2), Fagotte (2), Trompeten (2), Posaunen (2), Violinen (2), Violen (2), Posaune, Violetta, 1. Viola, Violetta, 2. Viola, Cello, Gambe, Kontrabass, Cello, Kontrabass, Basso continuo
Stimmensatz, Urtextausgabe
Item no.: 186714
Item no.: 156332
for: Children's choir, piano [guitar]
Item no.: 343679
Actus musicus auf Weih-Nachten (Luk. 2, 1-20)
for: gemischter Chor (SSATB) mit Soli (ST) und Orchester
Choir score
Item no.: 343408
Eine Weihnachtsgeschichte
Symphonic Poem from Charles Dickens
for: Concert band
Score, Parts
Item no.: 1629063
for: Children's choir [women's choir] (SSA), flute, clarinet, strings, harp
Item no.: 1555843
Item no.: 367549
for: Harp
Music score
Item no.: 1015039
for: 3 soloists (ATB), mixed choir (SATB), narrator, orchestra
Item no.: 463842
nach Lukas
for: Chor a capella
Item no.: 236291
für 2 gem Chöre, Streicher und Bc, Stimmen Ein Kind geborn zu Bethlehem
for: Favorit choir (SSB), chapell choir (SATB), strings, basso continuo
Set of parts
Item no.: 138733
Item no.: 244885
Actus musicus auf Weih-Nachten (Luk. 2, 1-20)
for: gemischter Chor (SSATB) mit Soli (ST) und Orchester
Choir score
Item no.: 748348
Eine Geschichte
for: Blockflöte(n)
Stimmensatz Menschen
Item no.: 781295
Schlagwerk, Beiheft Vol 4
for: 3 melodic instruments (C)
Item no.: 123974
Kantate für Sopran (Kinderchor), 2 Violinen, Viola und Bc
for: Voice (high), instruments
Score, Parts
Item no.: 343991
für Sprecher, Soli, Kinderchor und kleines Orchester – Textblatt flämisch
Für Kinder ab 8 Jahren geeignet.
for: Soloists, narrator, children's choir, instruments
Lyric book
Item no.: 229403
Brieger Christnacht 1944
for: Mixed choir (SATB), precentor, strings, organ
Choir score
Item no.: 177431
Zwei Minimusicals zur Adventszeit und zwei Krippenspiele
Demo-CD (Gesamtaufnahme)
Item no.: 496600
16 Lieder für Kinder erzählen Geschichten zur Weihnachtszeit
Liederbuch mit Aufführungshinweisen
for: Voice
Item no.: 632773
Die Bibel Unserer Kinder~Anne De Vries
Item no.: 303781
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