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U. Sisask: Benedicamus - Laudate Dominum, GCh4 (Chpa)
Urmas Sisask

Benedicamus – Laudate Dominum

Hymns IV and V from "Gloria Patri"

for: Mixed choir (SATB) a cappella

Choir score

Item no.: 694493

6.70  €incl. VAT, plus shipping
Instant dispatch. Delivery time: 3–8 working days (fi)
A. Pärt: Da pacem Domine, 2VlVaVc (Pa+St)
Arvo Pärt

Da pacem Domine

for string quartet (2004/2006)

for: 2 violins, viola, cello (string quartet)

Score, Set of parts

Item no.: 462069

21.60  €incl. VAT, plus shipping
Instant dispatch. Delivery time: 3–8 working days (fi)
U. Sisask: Starry Sky Cycle 3 op. 155/4, Klav
Urmas Sisask

Starry Sky Cycle 3 op. 155/4

Equatorial Sky

for: Piano

Music score

Item no.: 1031624

18.50  €incl. VAT, plus shipping
Delivery time: 2–3 weeks (fi)
U. Sisask: Starry Sky Cycle 5 op. 155/4, Klav
Urmas Sisask

Starry Sky Cycle 5 op. 155/4

Equatorial Sky
Tähistaevatsükkel nr. 4 – Ekvatoriaaltaevas, op. 155

for: Piano

Music score

Item no.: 1031626

14.80  €incl. VAT, plus shipping
Delivery time: 2–3 weeks (fi)
A. Pärt: Da pacem Domine, Gch;4Ges (Chpa)
Arvo Pärt

Da pacem Domine

for: Mixed choir (SATB) [4 voices (SATB)]

Choir score

Item no.: 173909

8.20  €incl. VAT, plus shipping
Instant dispatch. Delivery time: 3–8 working days (fi)
A. Pärt: Annum per annum, Org
Arvo Pärt

Annum per annum

for: Organ

Music score

Item no.: 113494

21.60  €incl. VAT, plus shipping
Instant dispatch. Delivery time: 3–8 working days (fi)
A. Pärt: Silouan's Song, Stro (Part)
Arvo Pärt

Silouan's Song

('My soul yearns after the Lord ...')

for: String orchestra


Item no.: 124030

15.40  €incl. VAT, plus shipping
Instant dispatch. Delivery time: 3–8 working days (fi)
A. Pärt: Anthem of St John the Baptist
Arvo Pärt

Anthem of St John the Baptist

for: für gemischten Chor (SATB) und Orgel

Item no.: 427742

18.00  €incl. VAT, plus shipping
Instant dispatch. Delivery time: 3–8 working days (fi)
A. Pärt: Morning Star, Gch (Chpa)
Arvo Pärt

Morning Star

für gemischten Chor a cappella (2007)

for: Mixed choir a cappella

Choir score

Item no.: 330775

10.80  €incl. VAT, plus shipping
Instant dispatch. Delivery time: 3–8 working days (fi)
A. Pärt: My Heart's in the Highlands, GesACOrg (BchNb)
Arvo Pärt

My Heart's in the Highlands

for: Voice (alto/counter tenor), organ

Book and music score

Item no.: 364791

19.10  €incl. VAT, plus shipping
Instant dispatch. Delivery time: 3–8 working days (fi)
A. Pärt: Lieder aus der Kindheit, KchKlav (+CD)

Ich bin schon groß

Arvo Pärt

Lieder aus der Kindheit

Entstanden zwischen 1965 und 1970 für verschiedene Schauspiel- und Zeichentrickfilme
in estnischen Kinderzimmern ein Klassiker

for: Children's choir, piano

Music score, Playback-CD

Item no.: 649498

26.30  €incl. VAT, plus shipping
Instant dispatch. Delivery time: 3–8 working days (fi)
A. Pärt: The Beatitudes, GchOrg (Orgpa)
Arvo Pärt

The Beatitudes

Pärts musikalische Interpretation der Seligpreisungen aus der Bergpredigt
englische Fassung

for: Mixed choir (SATB), organ

Organ score

Item no.: 370336

19.50  €incl. VAT, plus shipping
Instant dispatch. Delivery time: 3–8 working days (fi)
A. Pärt: Most Holy Mother of God
Arvo Pärt

Most Holy Mother of God

for: 4 Singstimmen (Ct/ATTB) a cappella


Item no.: 133058

9.30  €incl. VAT, plus shipping
Instant dispatch. Delivery time: 3–8 working days (fi)
A. Pärt: Peace upon you, Jerusalem, Fch (Chpa)
Arvo Pärt

Peace upon you, Jerusalem

für Frauenchor (SA) a cappella

for: Women's choir (SA) a cappella

Choir score

Item no.: 160014

14.40  €incl. VAT, plus shipping
Instant dispatch. Delivery time: 3–8 working days (fi)
U. Sisask: Starry Sky Cycle op. 160/5 - Northern Polar, Klav
Urmas Sisask

Starry Sky Cycle op. 160/5 – Northern Polar Sky 2

(Tähistaeva tsükkel - Pöhja polaartaevas)

for: Piano

Music score

Item no.: 1031628

12.30  €incl. VAT, plus shipping
Delivery time: 2–3 weeks (fi)
U. Sisask: Starry Sky Cycle 6 op. 155/4, Klav4m
Urmas Sisask

Starry Sky Cycle 6 op. 155/4

Equatorial Sky

for: Piano 4 hands

Music score

Item no.: 1031627

20.50  €incl. VAT, plus shipping
Delivery time: 2–3 weeks (fi)
M. Lüdig: Fuge c-Moll, Org
Mihkel Lüdig

Fuge c-Moll

Musik aus Estland

for: Organ

Music score

Item no.: 195752

7.50  €incl. VAT, plus shipping
Delivery time: 2–3 weeks (fi)
E. Mägi: Neun Stücke, Klav
Ester Mägi, Maegi Ester

Neun Stücke

Musik aus Estland

for: Piano

Item no.: 361387

11.80  €incl. VAT, plus shipping
Delivery time: 2–3 weeks (fi)
U. Sisask: Nordsternenhimmel op. 10/5, Klav
Urmas Sisask

Northern Sky op. 10/5

Starry Sky Cycle No. 1

for: Piano

Music score

Item no.: 555557

14.00  €incl. VAT, plus shipping
Delivery time: 2–3 weeks (fi)
U. Sisask: Nordsternenhimmel op. 10/6, Klav
Urmas Sisask

Northern Sky op. 10/6

Starry Sky Cycle No. 1

for: Piano

Music score

Item no.: 470868

14.30  €incl. VAT, plus shipping
Instant dispatch. Delivery time: 3–8 working days (fi)
A. Pärt: Vier leichte Tanzstücke, Klav
Arvo Pärt

Vier leichte Tanzstücke

Tantsud. Musik für Kindertheater
Veröffentlicht auf CD: ERES-CD 06
Musik aus Estland

for: Piano

Item no.: 389286

11.80  €incl. VAT, plus shipping
Instant dispatch. Delivery time: 3–8 working days (fi)
V. Tormis: Sügismaastikud (Autumn Landscapes) (Part)
Veljo Tormis

Sügismaastikud (Autumn Landscapes)

for: SATB


Item no.: 615946

11.90  €incl. VAT, plus shipping
Instant dispatch. Delivery time: 3–8 working days (fi)
U. Sisask: Benedictio op. 31 (Chpa)
Urmas Sisask

Benedictio op. 31

for: SATB

Choir score

Item no.: 227976

11.90  €incl. VAT, plus shipping
Delivery time: 4–9 working days (fi)
L. Sumera: 1981, Klav
Lepo Sumera


aus "Zwei Stücke aus dem Jahre 1981"

for: Piano

Music score

Item no.: 464748

10.20  €incl. VAT, plus shipping
Delivery time: 2–3 weeks (fi)
U. Sisask: The Milky Way, Klav4m (Part)
Urmas Sisask

The Milky Way

for: Piano 4 hands


Item no.: 456589

20.50  €incl. VAT, plus shipping
Instant dispatch. Delivery time: 3–8 working days (fi)
A. Pärt: Arbos  (Pa+St)
Arvo Pärt


for: für 7 (8) Blockflöten(SATB) und 3 Triangel ad lib.

Score, Parts

Item no.: 113538

28.80  €incl. VAT, plus shipping
Instant dispatch. Delivery time: 3–8 working days (fi)
A. Pärt: Fratres, VlKlav (KlavpaSt)
Arvo Pärt


for: Violin, piano

Piano score, solo part

Item no.: 113508

23.20  €incl. VAT, plus shipping
Instant dispatch. Delivery time: 3–8 working days (fi)
U. Sisask: Gloria patri - Ave Maria, Credo op. , GCh4 (Chpa)
Urmas Sisask

Gloria patri – Ave Maria, Credo op. 17

from Gloria Patri
24 hymns for mixed choir

for: Mixed choir (SATB) a cappella

Choir score

Item no.: 295460

4.65  €incl. VAT, plus shipping
Instant dispatch. Delivery time: 3–8 working days (fi)
U. Sisask: Starry Sky Cycle 4 op. 155/4, Klav
Urmas Sisask

Starry Sky Cycle 4 op. 155/4

Equatorial Sky
Tähistaevatsükkel nr. 4 – Ekvatoriaaltaevas, op. 155

for: Piano

Music score

Item no.: 1031625

14.80  €incl. VAT, plus shipping
Delivery time: 2–3 weeks (fi)
L. Sumera: Die Frühlingsfliege - Spring F, MelCBKlav (Pa+St)
Lepo Sumera

Die Frühlingsfliege – Spring Fly – Kevadine Kärbes

for: Melody instrument (C/B-flat), piano

Score, Parts

Item no.: 1022197

13.30  €incl. VAT, plus shipping
Delivery time: 2–3 weeks (fi)
V. Tormis: Tombtuul, Mch
Veljo Tormis


for: Male choir


Item no.: 1149210

10.30  €incl. VAT, plus shipping
Delivery time: 2–3 weeks.
E. Mägi: Kadenz und Thema, VlOrg/Klv (OrpaSt)
Ester Mägi

Kadenz und Thema

for: Violin, organ [piano]

Organ score, solo part

Item no.: 612719

10.20  €incl. VAT, plus shipping
Delivery time: 2–3 weeks (fi)
U. Sisask: Nordsternenhimmel op. 10/4, Klav
Urmas Sisask

Northern Sky op. 10/4

Starry Sky Cycle No. 1

for: Piano

Music score

Item no.: 555556

11.70  €incl. VAT, plus shipping
Delivery time: 2–3 weeks (fi)
U. Sisask: Nordsternenhimmel op. 10/1, Klav
Urmas Sisask

Northern Sky op. 10/1

Starry Sky Cycle No. 1

for: Piano

Music score

Item no.: 344567

11.70  €incl. VAT, plus shipping
Delivery time: 2–3 weeks (fi)
A. Pärt: Partita op. 2 , Klav
Arvo Pärt

Partita op. 2

op. 2

for: Piano

Item no.: 144913

19.10  €incl. VAT, plus shipping
Instant dispatch. Delivery time: 3–8 working days (fi)
A. Pärt: Mozart-Adagio, KlrVcKlv (KlavpaSt)
Arvo Pärt


Clarinet trio based on the 2nd movement of the Piano Sonata

for: Clarinet, cello, piano

Piano score, parts

Item no.: 679829

30.80  €incl. VAT, plus shipping
Instant dispatch. Delivery time: 3–8 working days (fi)
U. Sisask: Kassari Linnulaul, Klav
Urmas Sisask

Kassari Linnulaul

Birds song from "Kassari"

for: Piano

Music score

Item no.: 555562

5.10  €incl. VAT, plus shipping
Delivery time: 2–3 weeks (fi)
U. Sisask: Starry Sky Cycle op. 160/5 - Northern Polar, Klav
Urmas Sisask

Starry Sky Cycle op. 160/5 – Northern Polar Sky 5

for: Piano

Music score

Item no.: 1031631

15.40  €incl. VAT, plus shipping
Delivery time: 2–3 weeks (fi)
V. Tormis: 4 Estonian Lullabies (Part)
Veljo Tormis

4 Estonian Lullabies

for: SATB


Item no.: 369815

7.80  €incl. VAT, plus shipping
Instant dispatch. Delivery time: 3–8 working days (fi)
A. Kapp: Andante religioso, VlOrg
Artur Kapp, Kapp Artur

Andante religioso

Musik aus Estland (komplett) (complete)

for: Violin, organ

Item no.: 289780

10.70  €incl. VAT, plus shipping
Delivery time: 2–3 weeks (fi)
U. Sisask: Südsternenhimmel op. 52/5, Klav
Urmas Sisask

Südsternenhimmel op. 52/5

Aus Starry Sky Cycle "Southern Sky" (Südsternenhimmel) op. 52
Originaltitel "Tähistaeva tsükkel nr. 2 Lõunataevas"

for: Piano

Music score

Item no.: 443055

12.00  €incl. VAT, plus shipping
Delivery time: 2–3 weeks (fi)
E. Mägi: Lappländische Weisen, Klav
Ester Mägi

Lappländische Weisen

for: Piano

Music score

Item no.: 604340

13.30  €incl. VAT, plus shipping
Instant dispatch. Delivery time: 3–8 working days (fi)
A. Pärt: Psalom, 2VlVaVc (Pa+St)
Arvo Pärt


für Streichquartett

for: 2 violins, viola, cello (string quartet)

Score, Parts

Item no.: 226914

21.60  €incl. VAT, plus shipping
Instant dispatch. Delivery time: 3–8 working days (fi)
A. Pärt: Missa syllabica
Arvo Pärt

Missa syllabica

for: gemischten Chor (SATB) a cappella


Item no.: 225053

18.00  €incl. VAT, plus shipping
Instant dispatch. Delivery time: 3–8 working days (fi)
A. Pärt: Sarah Was Ninety Years Old
Arvo Pärt

Sarah Was Ninety Years Old

for: 3 Singstimmen (STT), Schlagzeug und Orgel

Partitur und Stimmen

Item no.: 185010

37.60  €incl. VAT, plus shipping
Instant dispatch. Delivery time: 3–8 working days (fi)
A. Pärt: Variationen zur Gesundung von Arinuschka & Fü, Klav
Arvo Pärt

Variationen zur Gesundung von Arinuschka & Für Alina

for: Piano

Music score

Item no.: 124020

11.90  €incl. VAT, plus shipping
Instant dispatch. Delivery time: 3–8 working days (fi)
A. Pärt: Fratres, VcKlav (KlavpaSt)
Arvo Pärt


for: Cello, piano

Piano score, solo part

Item no.: 113992

26.30  €incl. VAT, plus shipping
Instant dispatch. Delivery time: 3–8 working days (fi)
A. Pärt: Spiegel im Spiegel, Org
Arvo Pärt

Spiegel im Spiegel

für Orgel

for: Organ

Music score

Item no.: 603408

18.00  €incl. VAT, plus shipping
Instant dispatch. Delivery time: 3–8 working days (fi)
Verband deutscher MusikschulenBundesverband der Freien MusikschulenJeunesses Musicales DeutschlandFrankfurter Tonkünstler-BundBundes­verb­and deutscher Lieb­haber-OrchesterStützpunkt­händ­ler der Wiener Urtext Edition

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