Variable Arrangements für Chor und Klavier (Perkussion/Gitarre/Bass ad lib.)
Flexi Choir
for: Women's choir (SA/SSA) [mixed choir (SAB/SATB)], piano; rhythm group (guitar, bass guitar, percussion) ad lib.
Choir score
Item no.: 432207
2-Part Treble Voices, Piano and String Quartet/Brass Quintet
for: Women's choir, several instruments
Choir score
Item no.: 1556526
Variable Arrangements für Chor und Klavier (Perkussion/Gitarre/Bass ad lib.)
Flexi Choir
for: Women's choir (SA/SSA) [mixed choir (SAB/SATB)], piano; rhythm group (guitar, bass guitar, percussion) ad lib.
Choir score
Item no.: 432586
Mit auf Anfrage erhältlichen Optionen
for: Women's choir (SSA), clarinet (B-flat), bass piano
Item no.: 658533
Alfred Archive Edition: Alfred Pop Choral Series
for: Choir (2 parts), piano; rhythm group (guitar, bass, drums) ad lib.
Item no.: 494445
Variable Arrangements für Frauenchor oder gemischten Chor
Flexi Choir
for: Women's choir (SA/SSA) [mixed choir (SAB/SATB)], piano; rhythm group (guitar, bass guitar, percussion) ad lib.
Choir score
Item no.: 669778
Pop Choral Series
for: Choir (2 parts), piano; rhythm group (guitar, bass, drums) ad lib.
Choir score
Item no.: 674173
Variable Arrangements für Chor und Klavier (Perkussion / Gitarre / Bass ad lib.)
Flexi Choir
for: Women's choir (SA/SSA) [mixed choir (SAB/SATB)], piano; rhythm group (guitar, bass guitar, percussion) ad lib.
Choir score
Item no.: 565228
Variable Arrangements für Chor und Klavier (Perkussion / Gitarre / Bass ad lib.)
Flexi Choir
for: Women's choir (SA/SSA) [mixed choir (SAB/SATB)], piano; rhythm group (guitar, bass guitar, percussion) ad lib.
Choir score
Item no.: 431939
for: Choir (S/SA/SAM), piano; wind instruments, rhythm-group ad lib.
Item no.: 693488
for female chorus and rhythm section ad lib.
for: Women's choir (SSA), piano; rhythm group (guitar, bass, percussion) ad lib.
Piano score
Item no.: 489418
The 2016 break-up single by Justin Bieber – Pop Choral Series
Women's Choir SSA
for: Women's choir (SSA), piano; rhythm group (guitar, bass, percussion) ad lib.
Choir score
Item no.: 674174
2-Part Treble Voices, Piano and String Quartet/Brass Quintet
for: Women's choir, several instruments
Choir score
Item no.: 1556527
aus: Pop-Chorbuch zum EG: Morning has broken
for: Choir, band
Set of parts (Band)
Item no.: 674750
for: Choir (S/SA/SAM), piano; wind instruments, rhythm-group ad lib.
Choir score
Item no.: 693489
for: Women's choir (SSA), piano; rhythm group (guitar, bass, percussion) ad lib.
Choir score
Item no.: 1690237
for 2-part chorus and piano
Choral Medley
for: Women's choir (SA), piano [guitar/keyboard]
Item no.: 459854
12 Arrangements für variable Besetzung
for: Solo voice [choir], 3 flexible melodic instruments, piano, bass
Score, Set of parts
Item no.: 616673
for 2-part chorus and piano
for: Women's choir (SA), piano [guitar/keyboard]
Item no.: 398368
for: Women's choir (SSA), piano; bass instrument, percussion ad lib.
Item no.: 772249
Frauenbewegung in lauten Tönen
Lieder für Frauenchor und Instrumente
for: Women's choir, several instruments
Item no.: 677136
aus: Pop-Chorbuch zum EG: Morning has broken
for: Choir, band
Set of parts (Band)
Item no.: 424604
aus: Pop-Chorbuch zum EG: Morning has broken
for: Choir, band
Set of parts (Band)
Item no.: 424594
aus: Pop-Chorbuch zum EG: Morning has broken
for: Choir, band
Set of parts (Band)
Item no.: 674827
aus: Pop-Chorbuch zum EG: Morning has broken
for: Choir, band
Set of parts (Band)
Item no.: 674749
Vom Gestimmtsein des Herzens
für Frauenchor, Violoncello und Percussion
for: Women's choir, cello, percussion
Item no.: 664234
aus: Pop-Chorbuch zum EG: Morning has broken
for: Choir, band
Set of parts (Band)
Item no.: 371463
aus: Pop-Chorbuch zum EG: Morning has broken
for: Choir, band
Set of parts (Band)
Item no.: 1676767
aus: Pop-Chorbuch zum EG: Morning has broken
for: Choir, band
Set of parts (Band)
Item no.: 674826
7 Vokal-Arrangements bekannter Instrumentalstücke der Barockzeit
für 3 gleiche Stimmen (SAA) und Combo ad lib.
for: Women's choir [children's choir] (SAA); guitar [keyboard], bass guitar, percussion ad lib.
Item no.: 299481
for: Women's choir (SSA), piano; rhythm group (guitar, bass, percussion) ad lib.
Piano score
Item no.: 217717
Ausgabe A für Dreigesang (Frauenchor) und Instrumente
for: Choir (3 voices), folk music band
Choir score
Item no.: 413127
aus: Pop-Chorbuch zum EG: Morning has broken
for: Choir, band
Set of parts (Band)
Item no.: 1657319
aus: Pop-Chorbuch zum EG: Morning has broken
for: Choir, band
Set of parts (Band)
Item no.: 424614
aus: Pop-Chorbuch zum EG: Morning has broken
for: Choir, band
Set of parts (Band)
Item no.: 424613
aus: Pop-Chorbuch zum EG: Morning has broken
for: Choir, band
Set of parts (Band)
Item no.: 424612
aus: Pop-Chorbuch zum EG: Morning has broken
for: Choir, band
Set of parts (Band)
Item no.: 424609
aus: Pop-Chorbuch zum EG: Morning has broken
for: Choir, band
Set of parts (Band)
Item no.: 424598
A joyous and colourful setting of the Latin Missa brevis
for: Women's choir [children's choir] (SSA), piano; rhythm group (guitar, bass, percussion) ad lib.
Piano score
Item no.: 689599
Neue geistliche Lieder
for: Choir, band
Choir book
Item no.: 661249
aus: Pop-Chorbuch zum EG: Morning has broken
for: Choir, band
Set of parts (Band)
Item no.: 674828
aus: Pop-Chorbuch zum EG: Morning has broken
for: Choir, band
Set of parts (Band)
Item no.: 424617
Ausgabe A für Dreigesang (Frauenchor) und Instrumente
for: Choir (3 voices), folk music band
Choir score
Item no.: 1703588
for: Women's choir, several instruments
Item no.: 490813
für Dreigesang (Frauenchor) und Instrumente)
Zitherpartitur (Ausgabe A)
for: Choir (3 voices), folk music band
Item no.: 413126
Neue Geistliche Lieder für Chöre und Bands
for: Choir, band
Songbook (spiral binding)
Item no.: 695127
Neue Lieder aus einer Kreativwerkstatt von Musikstudierenden aus Witten und Herford und Theologiestudierenden aus Bochum
for: Choir, band
Item no.: 1864528
for: Choir (S/SA/SAM), piano; wind instruments, rhythm-group ad lib.
Set of parts
Item no.: 693491
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