Kantaten aus dem Osterfestkreis
Bärenreiter Urtext
for: Voice (high), melody instrument, basso continuo
Score, Set of parts
Item no.: 444380
18 Choralvorspiele und freie Stücke
for: Organ
Music score
Item no.: 214456
for: Organ
Music score
Item no.: 378564
Reduced Version
for: 2 solo voices (MezBar), mixed choir (SATB), string orchestra, organ; trumpet, harp, kettle drums ad lib.
Choir score
Item no.: 174025
Reduzierte Fassung
for: 2 solo voices (MezBar), mixed choir (SATB), string orchestra, organ; trumpet, harp, kettle drums ad lib.
Item no.: 301277
Chor- und Begleitsätze zur gleichnamigen LP-Serie
Band 2
Die neuen religiösen Lieder
for: Mixed choir a cappella
Choir score
Item no.: 142055
Reduzierte Fassung
for: 2 solo voices (MezBar), mixed choir (SATB), string orchestra, organ; trumpet, harp, kettle drums ad lib.
Set of parts
Item no.: 301278
Last Respects
for: 4 brass instruments
Score, Parts
Item no.: 550554
Cantata for the Purification of Mary – Ich habe genung (Version for solo soprano)
Urtext Stuttgarter Bach-Ausgaben
for: Voice (soprano), flute, 2 violins, viola, basso continuo
Score (Urtext edition)
Item no.: 172338
Cantata for Palm Sunday and the feast of the Annunciation Cantata for Palm Sunday and the feast of the Annunciation
Stuttgarter Bach-Ausgaben
for: 3 soloists (ATB), mixed choir (SATB), orchestra, organ
Score (Urtext edition)
Item no.: 627276
240 weltliche Chorstücke für Konzert, Feste und Singbegegnungen
für gemischten Chor (SAM) a cappella
– Staffelpreis auf Anfrage –
for: Mixed choir (SAM) a cappella
Choir book
Item no.: 682433
Symphonic Suite
Eulenburg Miniature Scores
op. 35
for: Orchestra
Study score
Item no.: 743887
Chorale cantata op. WoO V/4 Nr. 4
for: Soloist (soprano), mixed choir (SATB), the parish, violin, viola, organ
Item no.: 237853
Cantata for the Purification of Mary – Ich habe genung
Original setting in C minor – Vocal score for the version with mezzosoprano solo
Urtext Stuttgarter Bach-Ausgaben
for: Voice (bass/mezzo-soprano), orchestra, basso continuo
Piano reduction (Urtext edition)
Item no.: 584556
45 famous children's tunes for recorder
for: Descant recorder
Buch + CD
Item no.: 280562
Have fun playing the Cello
for 1-3 cellos (piano ad lib)
for: 1–3 cellos
2 Scores for playing, Playback-CD
Item no.: 663398
100 Popsongs leicht arrangiert für Gesang und Gitarre
Sing mit: die Hits und Oldies für coole Feten
for: Voice, guitar
Songbook (melody, lyrics, chords)
Item no.: 685043
Cantata for Palm Sunday and the feast of the Annunciation Cantata for Palm Sunday and the feast of the Annunciation
Stuttgarter Bach-Ausgaben
for: 3 soloists (ATB), mixed choir (SATB), orchestra, organ
Piano reduction
Item no.: 133122
for: Organ
Music score
Item no.: 495399
Organ Chorales from Miscellaneous Sources
Bärenreiter Urtext
for: Organ
Music score (Urtext edition)
Item no.: 482113
for: 2 flutes, cello
Set of parts
Item no.: 117500
30 Super-Potpourris mit Evergreens am laufenden Band
for: Melody instrument (C) [guitar/piano/keyboard]
Item no.: 410267
for: Choir, orchestra
Piano reduction
Item no.: 613828
25 works
Schott Anthology Series
for: Flute; piano ad lib.
Piano score, solo part, playback-CD
Item no.: 637001
for: Children's choir, instruments
Item no.: 136891
720 Begleitsätze in romantischer Tonsprache zum evangelischen Gesangsbuch
for: Organ [piano]
Music score (spiral binding)
Item no.: 672290
Tragödie in einem Aufzug op. 58
Richard Strauss – Sämtliche Bühnenwerke
for: Soloists, mixed choir, orchestra
Study score
Item no.: 214245
Leicht spielbare Stücke für Klavier oder Orgel aus fünf Jahrhunderten
for: Piano [organ]
Music score (anthology)
Item no.: 675590
114 einfache Choralvorspiele und Liedsätze von Vater und Sohn
for: Organ
Music score
Item no.: 557002
Dreistimmige Chorsätze für den Gottesdienst
for: Mixed choir (SABar)
Choir book
Item no.: 559860
am Palmsonntag oder am Fest Mariae Verkündigung
Item no.: 344592
Masters of the North German School for Organ
Band 30
for: Organ
Sheet music
Item no.: 729094
10 Chansons für Singstimme und Klavier / Gitarre
for: Voice, piano [guitar]
Item no.: 421858
With Optional Trumpets
for: Organ; 1–2 trumpets ad lib.
Item no.: 135512
for: Symphonic orchestra
Score, Parts
Item no.: 586297
Das große Chorbuch für gemischte Chöre
for: Mixed choir (SATB), piano
Item no.: 495276
Festliche Musik zu besonderen Anlässen
Play-Along Ausgabe für Posaune in C / Horn in F inkl. CD (Original- und Playback-Version.
for: Trombone [horn (F)]
Music score, Playback-CD
Item no.: 155230
Liedbearbeitungen (mit Pedal) - Schwierigkeitsgrad 1-4
Sammlung internationaler Orgelmusik für Unterricht und Gottesdienst
for: Organ
Music score
Item no.: 495787
Psalm 121,1-3
for: Mixed choir (SATB) a cappella
Sheet music
Item no.: 725801
100 Pieces for Organ
for: Organ
Music score (anthology)
Item no.: 137635
for: gemischter Chor (SAB) und Klavier
Sheet music
Item no.: 761392
for: Organ
Music score (anthology)
Item no.: 199078
for: Gemischter Chor (SATB), [Basso continuo]
Item no.: 193770
Masters of the North German School for Organ 30
for: Organ
Music score (anthology)
Item no.: 618876
Urtext Stuttgarter Mozart-Ausgaben
for: Mixed choir (SATB), orchestra
Set of parts
Item no.: 667297
Neues Geistliches Lied – Firmung
for: Mixed choir, melodic instruments, rhythm group (piano/keyboard, guitar, bass, percussion)
Score (anthology)
Item no.: 619270
Fünf Sinfonien mit obligater Oboe(Oboe d'amore) bearbeitet für Soloinstrument und Orgel (Cembalo). Stimme für beide Instrumente
for: Oboe [oboe d'amore], organ [harpsichord/piano]
Piano score, solo part
Item no.: 117734
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