Dino Fiorenza

Extreme Slap Bass

Slap Bass techniques, from the basics to the most extreme

D. Fiorenza: Extreme Slap Bass, E-Bass (+Onl) (0)
Bass guitar
Product type:
Music lesson book, online video
Item no.:
Author / Composer:
english, italian
Release year:
Publisher / Producer:
Producer No.:
DAN 78


A book designed for all slap bass lovers, from the most traditional to the most extreme players. This method will accompany you from the basics up to virtuosity, based on the assumption that all difficult things are really built up from little, simple things.

Ideal both for those who start from the basics and want to develop concepts to make them real strengths, but also for those who already know these techniques well and want to exploit the most innovative and less obvious features. The volume is enriched with online videos that show in detail the execution of the techniques, exercises and passages.

18.60  €
incl. VAT, plus shipping
Delivery time: 2–3 weeks.
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