Christopher Hussey

Keyboard Magic: Pupil's Book

Ch. Hussey: Keyboard Magic: Pupil's Book, Key (+Onl) (0)Ch. Hussey: Keyboard Magic: Pupil's Book, Key (+Onl) (1)Ch. Hussey: Keyboard Magic: Pupil's Book, Key (+Onl) (2)Ch. Hussey: Keyboard Magic: Pupil's Book, Key (+Onl) (3)Ch. Hussey: Keyboard Magic: Pupil's Book, Key (+Onl) (4)
Product type:
Music lesson book, online media
Item no.:
Author / Composer:
48 pages
Release year:
Publisher / Producer:
Producer No.:


This fun and approachable method introduces young people to the keyboard through enjoyable activities and pieces.

Technique is cleverly developed step-by-step with clear guidance and all the supporting resources needed for a smooth and fulfilling learning journey. Suitable for group or individual lessons, and offering performance opportunities right from the start.

The pupil’s book comes with downloadable audio demonstrations and the teacher’s book features a downloadable eBook with audio and video demonstrations for whiteboard display.

13.00  €
incl. VAT, plus shipping
Delivery time: 2–3 weeks.
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