Masterful Arrangements for Classical Guitar

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Masterful Arrangements for Classical Guitar, Git (+onl) (0)Masterful Arrangements for Classical Guitar, Git (+onl) (1)Masterful Arrangements for Classical Guitar, Git (+onl) (2)Masterful Arrangements for Classical Guitar, Git (+onl) (3)Masterful Arrangements for Classical Guitar, Git (+onl) (4)Masterful Arrangements for Classical Guitar, Git (+onl) (5)
Classical guitar
Product type:
Music score (with tabs – anthology), online audio
Item no.:
128 pages; 22.8 × 30.4 cm
Release year:
Publisher / Producer:
Producer No.:


35 beautiful pieces superbly recorded and arranged for solo classical guitar in standard notation and tablature by Bridget Mermikides. Recordings of Bridget playing each piece are accessed online for download or streaming.

Works include: Andante Largo op. 5 no. 5 (Sor), Andante - Violin Sonata no. 2 (Bach), Coppélia Waltz (Delibes), The Entertainer (Joplin), How Can I Keep from Singing (Lowry), Humoresque (Dvorak), Sicilienne (Paradis), Tristesse op. 10 no. 3, Waltz no. 15 op. 39 (Brahms), and more.

32.40  €
incl. VAT, plus shipping
Delivery time: 2–3 weeks.
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