Jason Pruschko

100 Legendary Hip Hop Beats

J. Pruschko: 100 Legendary Hip Hop Beats, Drst (+OnlAudio) (0)J. Pruschko: 100 Legendary Hip Hop Beats, Drst (+OnlAudio) (1)J. Pruschko: 100 Legendary Hip Hop Beats, Drst (+OnlAudio) (2)
Drum kit
Product type:
Music score, online audio
Item no.:
Author / Composer:
24 pages
Release year:
Publisher / Producer:
Producer No.:


Have you ever heard a drum hook that just makes you want to stop what you are doing and dance? Now you can learn to play beats just like your favorite drummers. This book and accompanying audio provide you with the tools necessary to become a great Hip Hop drummer. The examples focus on how to play creative beats in steady time using only the hi-hat, snare and bass drum. Mastering the examples in this book will allow you to play and flow through grooves using these fundamental parts of the drum kit. Includes access to online audio.


  • Introduction
  • Rim Click Beats
  • Bass Drum & Snare Drum Patterns
  • Broken Up Beats
  • Hi-Hat Pattern Beats
  • About the Author

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24.10  €
incl. VAT, plus shipping
Instant dispatch. Delivery time: 3–8 working days (Finland)
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