for: Narrator, flute, oboe, clarinet, horn, bassoon
Score, Parts
Item no.: 1050375
From Mozart to The Sound of Music
This is the perfect guide to see Salzburg's musical sites
Book (softcover)
Item no.: 637826
for: Choral
Item no.: 1378297
for: Choral
Item no.: 1378296
Schulmusical - Ein spannendes Vergnügen in 4 Liedern mit kurzen Sprecheinlagen für 1-stimmigen Chor (ab 11 Jahren), zwei Sprecher und Klavier - Der Kinderchor Band 10
for: Children's choir, piano
Item no.: 607611
14 kleine Originalkompositionen
for: 1–2 accordions
Solo part(s)
Item no.: 395760
for: Choral
Item no.: 1375969
for: Choral
Item no.: 1376960
for: Choral
Item no.: 1377855
mit bunten Aufklebern als Orden (Lehrmaterial) (Teaching material)
for: Piano
Music score
Item no.: 326804
for: Choral
Item no.: 1375218
4 x 3 atmospheric piano solos from the West, South, North & East
for: Piano
Music score
Item no.: 1317439
for: Choral
Item no.: 1637414
for: Choral
Item no.: 1373458
for: Choral
Item no.: 1562328
for: Choral
Item no.: 1377130
for: Choral
Item no.: 1562352
4 x 3 atmospheric piano solos from the West, South, North & East
for: Piano
Sheet music
Item no.: 1346541
Musical-Bilderbuch Band 14
for: Voice; guitar [keyboard] ad lib.
Songbook, CD
Item no.: 688730
for: Choral
Item no.: 1375525
for: Choral
Item no.: 1376592
for: Choral
Item no.: 1373911
for: Choral
Item no.: 1378029
Tiere in der Orgelmusik Band 10
8 Charakterstücke
for: Organ (manuals)
Music score
Item no.: 648101
Music from the Motion Picture Soundtrack
New Sounds for Concert 164
for: Concert band
Score, Parts
Item no.: 688845
for: Choral
Item no.: 1376430
for: Choral
Item no.: 1562407
Acht Charakterstücke für Orgel solo
Tiere in der Orgelmusik Band 11
for: Organ (manuals)
Music score
Item no.: 674184
for: Choral
Item no.: 1375219
Das Chorwerk 22
for: Mixed choir (3 voices) a cappella
Choir book
Item no.: 223970
for: Choral
Item no.: 1373184
Sonderausgabe 2019
Musical-Bilderbuch Band 3
for: Children's voice(s); piano [guitar] ad lib.
Illustrated book, CD
Item no.: 688732
Klaviermärchen 1
for: Piano
Music score
Item no.: 1162468
A Fantasy Adventure
Mitropa Concertwork Series
for: Concert band
Item no.: 957764
for: Narrator, flexible winds ensemble (5 parts), drums
Score, Parts
Item no.: 668778
A Musical Fable
for: Narrator, flute, oboe, clarinet, bassoon, horn, piano
Score, Parts
Item no.: 1861931
for: Mixed choir (SATB), piano
Choir book
Item no.: 1556916
Reprint of Perrault's Fairy Tales, S. R.Littlewood, 1912 edition, and Old-Time Stories Told by Master Charles Parrault, A. E. Johnson, 1921 edition.
Book (softcover)
Item no.: 347442
for: Narrator, concert band
Score, Parts
Item no.: 1684457
Book (softcover)
Item no.: 131880
Oxford Handbooks
Book (Hardcover)
Item no.: 1343160
TV, Film, Musical und Show
for: Musical
Item no.: 181154
Frühlingsmelodie aus dem "Album für die Jugend"
for: Mixed choir (SATB) a cappella
Choir score
Item no.: 271987
A classical music omnibus
Classic FM Pocket Books
Book (softcover)
Item no.: 140834
All That's Left to Know About Slashers, Vampires, Zombies, Aliens, and More
Item no.: 1161422
A Musical Based on the Celtic Folk Legend
Key Stage 2
for: Violin, piano [guitar/accordion/keyboard]; voice ad lib.
Music score, Playback-CD
Item no.: 133737
Ein Kinder-Musical
for: Kinderchor (SMezA) mit Sprecher, Klavier (Orgel), 2 Melodie-Instrumente in C oder in B und Schlagzeug
Item no.: 748529
for: Choral
Item no.: 1378523
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