Ferdinand Sieber (1822 – 1895)


20 Selected Melodic Studies for Trumpet & Piano

F. Sieber: Vocalises, Trp;Klv (0)F. Sieber: Vocalises, Trp;Klv (1)F. Sieber: Vocalises, Trp;Klv (2)F. Sieber: Vocalises, Trp;Klv (3)

Vocalise 1 (Demo)

Vocalise 1 (Play-Along)

Vocalise 4 (Demo)

Trumpet; piano ad lib.
Product type:
Music score, online playback
Item no.:
Author / Composer:
48 pages; 23 × 30.5 cm
Release year:
Publisher / Producer:
Producer No.:
DHP 1125058-404


The 20 Vocalises written by singing master Ferdinand Sieber were chosen, arranged and recorded for this edition by the solo trumpeter Frits Damrow. The pieces focus on the - often neglected - middle and lower register.

The book is a sequel to Bel Canto for Brass, another "vocalise" method offering suitable exercises for breathing, sound quality, intonation and endurance. Demo and play-along recordings are available online in MP3 format. Piano accompaniments are available separately: DHP 1125311-401.

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De Haske Publications BV, Postbus 744, 8440 AS Heerenveen, NL, [email protected]

30.90  €
incl. VAT, plus shipping
Delivery time: 2–3 weeks.
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F. Sieber: Vocalises, TrpKlav (Klavbegl)
Ferdinand Sieber


20 Selected Melodic Studies for Trumpet & Piano
Frits Damrow Trumpet Collection

for: Trumpet, piano

Music score (piano accompaniment)

Item no.: 609893

27.80  €incl. VAT, plus shipping
Delivery time: 2–3 weeks.
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