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Bernhard von der Goltz (b. 1955)

5 Preludes

DL: B. von der Goltz: 5 Preludes, Git (0)DL: B. von der Goltz: 5 Preludes, Git (1)DL: B. von der Goltz: 5 Preludes, Git (2)
Classical guitar
Musical Editions:
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Author / Composer:
12 pages; 21 × 29.7 cm
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Producer No.:
EST 2002_DL


The 5 pieces in this collection are influenced by Latin and Jazz. The idea came during the Corona pandemic. Everybody had a lot of time, because you had to sty at home without meeting anybody, so you were forced to be creative. For the author it is a good souvenir of a period that, on the whole, was not so nice.

Bernhard von der Goltz (*1955) studied Classical Guitar in Würzburg and Frankfurt. Beside his work as a teacher and Musician, he wrote a number of compositions for piano and choir.


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