Passion und Ostern

Music for Passion and Easter

The music for Passion and Easter is a wonderful way to express the emotional and spiritual significance of this special time through music. Let yourself be inspired by the passion and hope of the music and find all the scores, new releases, and recommendations for these meaningful events. Discover scores for Passion compositions and scores for Easter here.

Passion compositionsStations of the CrossSeven Last WordsStabat MaterHoly Week

Palm SundayMaundy ThursdayGood FridayEasterEaster CantatasOrgan Music for EasterEaster Songs for Children

Passion and Easter New Releases & Recommendations

Passion Compositions

The sublime passions by Johann Sebastian Bach, especially the St. Matthew Passion and the St. John Passion, are globally renowned and provide an unparalleled listening experience during the season of Passion. However, other outstanding composers have created impressive compositions for the Passion as well. Here, we would like to introduce you to three such works.

All Passion Scores

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St. John Passion

Heinrich Schütz – St. John Passion

St. Mark Passion

Reinhard Keiser – St. Mark Passion

Membra Jesu Nostri

Dieterich Buxtehude – Membra Jesu Nostri

Seven Last Words

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The Seven Words of Jesus on the Cross

César Franck – The Seven Words of Jesus on the Cross

The Seven Words of Jesus on the Cross

Heinrich Schütz – The Seven Words of Jesus on the Cross

Passion Music on the Seven Words of Jesus Christ on the Cross

Augustin Pfleger – Passion Music on the Seven Words of Jesus Christ on the Cross

Stabat Mater

Among the compositions of Stabat Mater, the version by Giovanni Battista Pergolesi is the most famous. However, other composers have also tackled this work and created beautiful renditions!

All Stabat Mater Scores

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Stabat Mater

Antonio Vivaldi – Stabat Mater

Stabat Mater

Antonín Dvořák – Stabat Mater

Stabat Mater

Karl Jenkins – Stabat Mater

Popular Organ Scores for Easter

Various organ collections and scores provide you with an excellent selection of repertoire for Easter, suitable for use in church services, evening concerts, or small performances.

Organ Music for Easter – Scores

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Organ Pieces for Worship

Dieter Blum – Organ Pieces for Worship 4

organ plus one

Carsten Klomp – organ plus one – Passion, Easter

Lent and Easter Organ Music

The Oxford Book of Lent and Easter Organ Music


In the Christian worship service, the Hallelujah serves as a proclamation before the Gospel and plays a special role during Easter. The Hallelujah from Handel's Oratorio 'Messiah' is among the most famous pieces of classical music ever. Discover arrangements for brass ensemble and organ alongside the original here!

All Hallelujah Scores

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Hallelujah from Messiah

Hallelujah from Messiah – Choral Scores

Hallelujah Chorus

Hallelujah Chorus – Brass Ensemble

Hallelujah from 'Messiah' Arrangement

Hallelujah from 'Messiah' – Organ Arrangement

Easter Gift Ideas

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